Give Back (Pack)

State Backpack

State backpacks is on a mission to help school kids across America! For every back pack you purchase (they stock styles for men, women and children), they give a backpack stocked with essential supplies to an American child in need.

Heres’s how they put it:


The STATE Mission: To make beautiful, well-made, inclusively cool product while using the power of business to give back and shift narratives around social injustices.

For every STATE bag purchased, STATE supports American children and families in need ... in the way they need it most - whether it be donating fully-stocked backpacks, funding special projects through partner charities, or shedding light around social inequalities on our #WhatDoWeTellTheKids platform.

STATE Bags is proud to be a Benefit Corporation, accompanied by fellow companies creating public significance by having a material, positive impact on society.

RecipeLaura Perese